Monday, February 25, 2008

Fragmented thoughts, disjointed ideas...what to do next?

Although it's been only a few months, I am totally missing Mexico. There is absolutely nowhere else I'd rather be right now. I ask myself if maybe I just miss that I had some extra cash that helped to make the trip more memorable. There was much to do and I had a schedule and went exploring and took tons of pictures. However, the gypsy in me is calling that it's time to figure out how to get out of here and go back. Taking a day job is unsavory to me. I simply don't have the damned energy to deal with other dysfunctional miserable bastids who have nothing else better to do than be suspicious and make one's life miserable long with them.

I've gone to agencies, checked out ads, and left with a bad taste in my mouth that only reconfirmed by belief that these so called representatives of hiring managers are just as full of b.s. as always. But I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth and will have to come up with a way to make money while still be able to keep my head held high. How can one pursue their dreams with no money coming in? I may be overlooking the obvious here. I look at my pictures - how can I get them seen and sold? Is just having an online site enough? How can I generate excitement and traffic to the site for the pictures? Am I doing enough? How can I do enough without having art world contacts? Am I just fooling myself, am I even talented enough let alone lucky enough to get noticed? How can I make money off these pictures, off my talent? Will someone with money agree and pay for some pictures of mine? How do I feel about that? Where do I start?

My stomach is in a lurch. Probably agreeing with me. The sun is coming out and the snow is melting. I will have to figure something out and fast. I am not happy and feeling stuck which is not good for me.

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